Tuesday, May 29, 2012

As of late... 

I'm pretty sure I no longer have followers on this sad blog of mine. Not a big deal... just because I can't promise anything exciting, inspiring, or consistent :) But if you are out there reading... thank you!

I have had a "hit the fan" moment and decided that I can no longer go without documenting my life. Somehow, somewhere, sometime, someone is going to regret it. (me).  So I give you a post...

Memorial Day weekend is the same EVERY year for the Koch family. We, meaning all 81 members of the Robert and Beth Koch family, invade ClearCreek Family Ranch year after year and enjoy a weekend of games, hiking, eating, and great conversation. But the best part of the reunion is the fact that each year holds something new and exciting. This year it was the WIND. We could barely eat our lunches and hike through Zions National Park, and instead of finishing off the day with ice cream, we enjoyed BLAZING hot chocolate. 

Here are some of the memories from Koch Family Reunion 2012.  

 dad woke up on sunday with a "migraine" and wanted to stay in bed watching YouTube videos :) of course we didn't let him.

 grandma and grandpa were so wonderful with emmett. he LOVED to stare at grandma.

love the james koch girls! look at those gorgeous blue eyes. they came down without their parents and have truly turned into amazing little ladies!

of course an impromptu photo shoot while waiting for the annual Koch Family Picture in the bright blue shirts. andrew's a babe. 

drew boy practicing his "daddy" skills... not quite sure why they both have their eyes closed :)

love my lizzie time. can't wait for her to come live in provo with me and drew boy

more daddy practicing

daddy expert. emmett has the best smile of all the babes.

love that kati can turn anything into a tripod. especially for the BIG photo. 

 the view driving into orderville as the sun was setting.

 ferns on our hike.

good morning clearcreek

 my favorite babe. kati-sorry i made your face purple :)

To be perfectly honest... I love this trip. I look forward to it every year and I am so proud to be a part of such a marvelous, fun-loving, and spiritual family. LOVE YOU KOCHES!


  1. hurray! way to blog Natalie, I'm proud of you! And now that I have the Koch Family blog up and running I should probably go update my own family blog.

  2. Good Girl...it's about time. I love it and I'm so glad I can keep up with your life more. Love you so much. F & E

  3. great great news!!! I love this post and I love that you blogged!!!! Keep 'em comin Mrs.
